1. Jelaskan alur proses gambar yang ada di bawah ini :
2. Sebutkan system-system berjalannya di motherboard ? 3. Sebutkan jenis-jenis RAM serta sebutkan kelebihan, kekurangannya dan perbedaannya ? 4. Sebutkan alat input device dan berikan masing-masing fungsinya ? 5. Gambar diagram alur blog dan jelaskan alurnya ?
Selamat Mengerjakan Kirimkan jawabanya di Email : w4hyu_ind@yahoo.co.id
Terakhir Pengumpulan adalah pada waktu ujian Troubleshooting berkahir bila pengiriman lebih dari itu tidak saya terima. Syarat - Syarat : 1. Beri nama file dengan (nama anda) (NIM) 2. Buatlah file tersebut dengan *.Zip / *.Rar
1. Jeleskan pengertian Encoding ? 2. Buatlah Proses Terjadinya Encoding ? 3. Gambarkan dan jelaskan Teknik Encoding dan Modulasi? 4. Gambarkan dan Jelaskan Digital Signalling dengan teknik encoding dan Analog Signalling dengan teknik modulation ? 5. Jelaskan Terjadinya Encoding dengan proses ?
Kirim Ke E-mail saya : w4hyu_ind@yahoo.co.id
Terakhir adalah pada waktu ujian komunikasi data berkahir bila pengiriman lebih dari itu tidak saya terima.
Selamat Mengerjakan
Syarat - Syarat : 1. Beri nama file dengan (nama anda) (NIM) 2. Buatlah file tersebut dengan *.Zip / *.Rar
Serial Number : 111-1111111 dapat digunakan untuk : • BackOffice 4.5 (Beta 2)
• Flight Simulator 98 (OEM)
• Liquid Motion 1.0
• Monster Truck Madness
• Office 97 Pro
• Plus! 98
• Publisher 98
• SQL Server Enterprise Edition
• Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition
• Visual Studio 6 (Enterprise dan Pro) dan 97
• Word 97
Serial Number : 465-6389583 dapat digunakan untuk : • Flight Simulator 95
• Monster Truck Madness
• Office 98 for MacIntosh
• Office 2001 for MacIntosh
• Publisher 97
• Publisher 98 (dengan 0465 pada blok pertama)
• Sidewinder Game Pad CD
• Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise
• Visual Basic 6.0a Professional Edition
• Visual C++ 4.0 dan 5.0
• Visual C++ 4.0 Professional
• Visual C++ 5.0 Professional Edition
• Visual Studio 97
• Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
• Windows 95/98 Plus!
• Windows 95 Upgrade
• Windows 98 Beta 3
• Works 4.5
Serial Number : 1112-1111111 dapat digunakan untuk : • Office 97
• Office 97 Pro
• Outlook 98
• Power Point 97 Upgrade
• Project 98
• Publisher 98
• Microsoft Works
Serial Number : 8090-3192571 dapat digunakan untuk : • Access 97
• Front Page 98
• Office 97 Pro
• Outlook 98
• Project 98
• Publisher 98, Spanyol Version
• Visual Basic 5.0 Professional dan Enterprise Edition
• Word 97
Windows 98 • YK42-6KXD9-2C333-3D898-J97HP
• R3TQR-PQTKG-HBVQ9-YBFH3-CGCRT digunakan untuk German full, English full (OEM), UK Edition, Compaq English, Spanyol Full, Dutch, Compaq dan IBM Recovery CDs, dan U.S. Second Edition (SE) OEM, Dell SE laptop. • RRXHQ-M3YTR-3BGRT-CQMC2-6K4C4
• Q2YHH-GYWV2-MDXCD-H9P2X-HYVMM digunakan untuk beberapa versions termasuk SE (Second Edition), UK Edition, dan US OEM. • R34DV-VB6WM-XMHHV-WM4Q2-WBB3Y seharusnya dapat digunakan untuk semua version dari first edition Windows 98 (4.10.98), UK Edition. • T7J8Q-MH7RP-9H9J2-2HVFG-C3X2M digunakan untuk four U.S. retail versions (4.10.1998) sekelas dengan second edition version. • JJK9P-G8JYJ-X24RC-XTFJ4-K9W4W digunakan untuk English retail version (CA), UK Edition. • MMHK7-QPHQG-KMTP9-7GTJY-JQ6XM digunakan untuk English Retail Second Edition v4.10.2222A. Termasuk, HP 4440 recovery disk, UK Edition. • XB88B-9B96V-CRJPG-64882-GQBDD Full verison, bukan upgrade, termasuk Second Edition, UK Edition • DJK2X-6XFJB-Q9J7J-WGC7P-WMHYG Compaq, HP, IBM, dsb., UK Edition
• K4HVD-99TJ9-6CRXG-C9G68-R92D3
• MD97J-QC7R7-TQJGD-3V2WM-W7PVM English Developer’s Connection Version. Keliatannya bisa juga dengan T7J8Q….dsb (sama dengan diatas)
• HBM43-PD86Y-9R8HM-4GM8H-TVG3Q UK Edition
• Q988C-P7VK2-K2K7R-QX9W9-7CDW3 UK Edition
Windows 98 Second Edition (SE)
RW9MG-QR4G3-2WRR9-TG7BH-33GXB Full Edition, English UK
DKJQY-TMJGF-BYYPQ-Q2HB7-W2K3V Upgrade English, U.S. Version
K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3 Win 98 Upgrade Second Edition, termasuk 1st edition full retail
HQ6K2-QPC42-3HWDM-BF4KJ-W4XWJ Win 98 Second Edition, (serial yang sering digunakan) termasuk Denmark, Norwegia dan Norwegia OEM, UK Edition (product ID 16203-OEM-0000007-00651)
HQ88R-P7JWC-4FYHY-DK6MV-HT3CD Plus SE U.S English Ver 4.10.2222A
P767C-WKHX7-62TFV-H6XTP-JXFQM digunakan untuk ver. 4.10.2222 English, UK Edition, termasuk Packard Bell Master Recovery CD
d6xwh-xkvv6-t2f87-kb2kh-9h3yg from Compaq OEM system, UK Edition
BBH2G-D2VK9-QD4M9-F63XB-43C33 Chinese Language, Full Installation
J3R3W-VBVDF-2496X-46TQB-HH8BY Australian English. Product Key 792807368, UK Edition
TR9TQ-F4JRW-FXM4G-3H7V2-FH4J6 UK dan Chinese Version
W7XTC-2YWFB-K6BPT-GMHMV-B6FDY Second Edition English
JHD22-PY6C8-GGTJC-HYYWT-TF7MY Ver 4.10.2222A Retail
QMPMF-23D8R-83GV6-MMR3C-BQ7C3 UK Edition
TVYGH-V683W-3CWT9-MQ468-G66WR Upgrade
DBRCB-D43K3-VY4G4-KVG4H-6FK9M Australia
PRDDH-83JD9-G6PK4-684GF-6Y73B Dell OEM English dan Dell upgrade
MS Exchange Server 5.0 dan 5.5. Serial Number : 7777-7777777
Office 2000
DR674-KJWQW-HGQKT-WGDBG-4RKY3 produk ID antara 450-5693453
Q2CXY-QYYJ4-QPTBH-WPCTB-9J4MM Volume/Corporate CD Key
RX2R4-4RDYW-269QY-7BC3J-XCFVB (Corporate CD Key)
JFD4K-MKCDP-83R4H-7GFCQ-2C9KB Professional English SR1
HQ6DG-JJ73M-C34Q7-W3G4H-CRB9Q UK Pro, Spanyol Premium, dan U.S. (standard upgrade) as well as Visio 2000
R7WB4-KQDHY-YTVRF-77JXC-W7898 Spanyol Premium
C3KDQ-BJBMM-YVP9B-DQY7V-VBG9G Spanyol SR-1, version 9.0.3821
Office 2000 Professional
H4GW2-2M9C4-R8YWX-BYJFT-KKFQ3 Termasuk MS Works Suite 2000 (Inggris dan swedia) dan Word 2000 sebaik dengan Word 2000 (HP OEM dan lainnya).
DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJ termasuk premium, pre SP1
DT3FT-BFH4M-9YYH8-PG963-8K2FJ (2nd Edition)
RX2R4-4RDYW-S29QY-7BC3J-XCFV3 (Corporate CD Key)
DFK97-PR8TC-9XMJJ-4JVCY-WHTP9 academic version, product ID 326-4662262
J3GX9-MDBXB-934FC-CTQJ3-KFRM8, Termasuk Windows ME Upgrade, Works Suite 2000, Publisher 2000, Word 2000 (termasuk SR-1 dan OEM) dan Office 2000 Professional version (service release 1, English dan Norwegia).
W6FX3-77MJ3-JMVH2-VWP86-F4KMJ, Termasuk Flight Simulator 2000, Works Suite 2000, dan Word 2000 OEM.
Works 4.5a OEM version 11111-11111-11111-11111-11111
Word 2000
WPB69-HRK28-WYRJ9-FKK76-DGDC8 Termasuk Works Suite 2000 dan 2001
PF64V-RVBCV-4QJJG-7Q9VC-3DVRW Canadian version
Front Page 2000 upgrade dan full version
DYQV3-XDB7C-T24YH-2Q93P-T4G7V Termasuk Office 2000 Premium
R6BRT-3DH6Y-22BWG-H8T6C-49BXV Termasuk Project 2000 dan Publisher 2000
Project 2000 Pro
MDYB4-92JGJ-CV7KY-H2B39-9X4TT termasuk yang digunakan untuk Visio 2000
Visio 2000 HQ6DG-JJ73M-C34Q7-W3G4H-CRB9Q
Windows 2000 Professional G74HG-XXQTJ-RTX64-QKP3F-HKHXP
TXY8C-9X778-9BJ3T-6F2DC-332YF U.S. Upgrade
K3Y7V-XXWHC-8XT9Q-HH6TC-WMFYV U.S. Upgrade from MS
RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG Termasuk digunakan untuk Windows Whistler, build 2428 dan Upgrade nya
RM233-2PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYB Retail
DY26P-7W66J-MQQQ7-QGRTQ-X8PHJ Corporate CD
RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG sampai batas waktu 120 hari
Windows 2000 Server VTWQ6-GQ4DB-RF2BW-RRMRR-WDMDT termasuk SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition
Windows 2000 Advanced Server H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VM termasuk Business Server
RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG termasuk Windows 2000 Pro, kemungkinan masa aktifnya hanya 120 hari)
Outlook 2000 WK4BC-8C9GD-WRCKV-DV39P-T8JKG termasuk FrontPage 2000,
Work Suite 2001, Gateway Work Suite 2003 QMFG4-83WGX-QVGH8-WJDW4-JG9FW
Windows ME (Millenium) B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33
RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG Termasuk yang digunakan untuk Windows Whistler build 2428
R4J6Q-TT3GQ-FWVP9-K3XH8-2R2GB Austrian Version
FF8PG-YQQX4-7VHW8-MC4K9-T8VPQ Full Version (Retail)
Windows Millenium Upgrade XP87P-VJTGY-DB2RC-7HCT7-3DT34
Office XP 2002 FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG (yang sering dipakai) digunakan untuk corporate Pro Enterprise dan Professional editions
Q4F49-MQ4YG-JCWHM-KF4QR-GRXWY Volume/Corporate CD Applications
HWB6C-8R8YY-M4M86-PXB88-3C78G Volume/Corporate CD Suites
RYXMW-P6PFM-YC2GP-YWX2R-9VY9G Retail Applications
VBVRC-TKK6Y-37HD7-FVGGB-JF36J Retail Suites
QX97T-8R9FY-M3HGX-KGXYD-R3C8T Seems to be 49 trial version
XFX2Y-28DHH-8XHX3-RXRC8-28TCD digunakan untuk Premium edition, termasuk UK edition with FrontPage
Windows XP Professional 2002 FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8 Corporate version dan upgrade
PQGR8-86HKG-2X3P7-H2DH2-HRM96 Corporate generated
J7282-VM7Y4-MXMJD-83DJM-BM6JY Corporate generated
RG6Q6-JRJQR-JMY3X-DPR7T-48K86 Corporate generated
W7VY8-R3HK7-J68PB-TQ4DF-B87M2 Corporate generated
FRQF8-RW2FT-MHFWB-GRQKP-T9GV2 Corporate generated
TKFFC-RMY9G-DD3HQ-JKPG9-AX6HD Volume License (may be post SP1)
BQ92H-YPC9T-3MCMY-7PPH8-8J3JF Retail version
KBGVG-DK767-BQPTM-3DC9F-HYV83 Retail version
BBK3H-PPH6P-G8YV7-FMBHM-2RV2P OEM SP1 compatible
RBR8H-YBHRY-XVD8C-Q47YW-Y62CC OEM SP1 compatible
Windows XP Home Edition C6QQT-DYQ7H-HG39T-H47FX-Q3JD2 upgrade
Publisher 2000 WK4BC-8C9GD-WRCKV-DV39P-T8JKG
Publisher XP dy6wq-d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m termasuk yang digunakan untuk Visio dan Publisher 2002 Pro
Visio Enterprise Network Tools HJ964-7DQ6D-7K7RK-DD7RM-TQGRB Volume/Corporate CD
Works Suite 2001 B8R3F-C6YPV-WX43W-M7PKG-PQV2Q Gateway OEM
Project 2002 Pro dy6wq-d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m (reguler)
Works Suite 2002 K64YY-JRMKM-7DJJF-F2D96-8K736 termasuk Word 2002 dan Outlook 2002, kemungkinan hanya berlaku selama 50 hari.
Word 2002 HM6W4-KPQ88-CRPFM-VXXJB-26XJJ (trial version dengan 50 kali digunakan)
Works Suite 2003 KDQK3-QR72W-TBR3F-DJJHM-TGKF6 (Word 2002)
Windows Advanced Server 2003 QW32K-48T2T-3D2PJ-DXBWY-C6WRJ
Works Suite 2004 (including Word 2002) FK3TF-FJX6X-MXXBT-XVJ4R-7HRX8
Microsoft Office S & T Edition 2003 Trial dengan Microsoft Works 7.0 2004 Standard dan Microsoft MSN Encarta Standard PY4R9-QHM6B-V7XJH-6F4Q3-PXQTJ
Windows Longhorn 4015 beta cky24-q8qrh-x3kmr-c6bcy-t847y
Serial Number : FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
Serial Number :
Windows 95 : 35695-OEM-0008411-93110
Windows 97: 19797-0002397-12345
Windows 98 Second Edition : HQ6K2-QPC42-3HWDM-BF4KJ-W4XWJ
PLUS !95 : 422-111111
OFFICE 97 PROFESSIONAL : 1234-1979797
Audioactive MP3 Production Studio License Number : 7002NF000542
License Key : 99Z74K 32CKXX CPZP3C PMC35C X947
Audio Grabber 1.7 Serial Number : PM600ENSP1-11111131
Audio Grabber 1.702 Full Serial Number : FA44644FA4
Audio Sphere 2.05 b Name : Anything You Want!
Key : AUSP2471-4920818318240628-66436089
MusicMatch Jukebox v5.00.0191 Serial Number : 1245C-54601-54B48-EC510
Quick Time 4.12 Name : Qtime
Serial Number : ABFD-04DC-2CED-0D8E-6969
Real Player 8 Plus Serial Number : 1356-04-4068
VCDCutter4.03 Serial Number : 017697-023393
ACDSEE 4.0 Serial Number : 654-237-149-322-681-441
ACDSEE 5.0 Serial Number : 581 076 451 038 881 441
ACID Serial Number : 7H-G9LMFN-FFP958-7L92LF
ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS 5.5 Serial Number : EWW470R1001999-030-259
AUTOCAD 2002 Serial Number : 400-12345678
Code : T4ED6P
COREL DRAW 10 Serial Number : D10NR-3284253T76
COREL DRAW 11 Serial Number : DR11CRD-0012082-DGW
COREL DRAW12 Serial Number : DR12WEX-1504397-KTY
Visio 2003 Serial Number : WFDWY-XQXJF-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHM
CYBERLINK POWERDVD XP 4.0 Serial Number : MV55F17758841285
COUNTER STRIKE Serial Number : 2462-92319-7642
OFFICE 97 PROFESSIONAL Serial Number : 1112-1111111
OFFICE 2000 Premium Serial Number : GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8
POWERQUEST DATA GONE 2.4 Serial Number : 2553-0000-1355-5571
POWERQUEST DRIVE IMAGE 6.0 Serial Number : DM600FR1-1BOS62
POWERQUEST EASY RESTORE 4.0 Serial Number : ER400ENWSCD-1355555
POWERQUEST OS SELECTOR 5.0 Serial Number : H69PC-3ENDT-ED644-XCP2D-4243C
POWERQUEST PARTITION MAGIC 6.0 Serial Number : PM600ENSP1-11111131
POWERQUEST PARTITION MAGIC 8.0 Serial Number : PM800FR1-3193805303
SPSS 11.5 Serial Number : 12345
License Code 1 : 30001359390
License Code 2 : 30001374190
WINBOOST 2001 GOLD EDITION User Name : TheBrabo
Registration Code : 5T5K4-D483-VZ7A-AC4T
WINDOWS 3.11 FOR WORKGROUP Serial Number : 111-1111111
Serial Number : 00131-002-6600743
Serial Number : 18016-010-0187302
Serial Number : 19492-020-0028353
WINDOWS 95 (Released A) Serial Number : 111-1111111
Serial Number : 875-7215850
Serial Number : 100-1208613
Serial Number : 757-2573155
Serial Number : 00100-OEM-0123456-00100
WINDOWS 95 OSR 2 (Released B) Serial Number : 00100-OEM-0123456-00100
Serial Number : 12095-OEM-0004226-12233
Serial Number : 15795-OEM-0001355-07757
Serial Number : 16595-OEM-0001695-96524
Serial Number : 15996-OEM-0012641-04046
WINDOWS 95 OSR 2.5 (Released C) Serial Number : 00100-OEM-0123456-00100
Serial Number : 24796-OEM-0014736-66386
WINDOWS 98 Serial Number : K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3
Serial Number : K8F92-DRTF8-D2T6X-R2QX6-2W46B
Serial Number : FT9CH-XVXW7-7BFCM-RPR49-VDHYD
Serial Number : BBH2G-D2VK9-QD4M9-F63XB-43C33
WINDOWS 98 Second Edition Serial Number : K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3
Serial Number : F73WT-WHD3J-CD4VR-2GWKD-T38YD
Serial Number : VD4WG-Y998T-3MGWX-GPW2Q-3QVC8
Serial Number : PYDMY-DVJ9J-996VH-JX66P-9TWKW
Serial Number : T98GF-R6C7Y-3MCV2-7C9DK-VC2F8
Serial Number : FQD88-4X7FK-9HV9K-Q28FF-T3JC3
Serial Number : HQ6K2-QPC42-3HWDM-BF4KJ-W4XWJ
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Serial Number : 09496-0009552-77303
Reside Image Enlarger v1.51 adalah software yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mendapatkan sebuah gambar yang telah kita perbesar namun tetap dalam kualitas yang tinggi dan bagus. Biasanya jika kita perbesar sebuah gambar untuk mendapat sebuah fokus tertentu pasti kualitas gambarnya akan menurun. Dengan software Reside Image Enlarger v1.51 kita dapat mengatasi masalah seperti itu.
Untuk cara penggunaanya juga sangat mudah dan praktis, tidak perlu memiliki keahlian khusus. Jadi siapa saja bisa menggunakan dan memanfaatkan kegunaan dari software ini. Para desainer grafis terkadang menerima sebuah foto ukuran kecil dari klien dan perlu menggunakannya untuk dicetak dengan ukuran yang lebih besar pada bagia tertentu.
Dengan ukurannya yang kecil 1.7 MB rasanya software ini perlu kita miliki. Karena untuk system kerja dan cara penggunaanya juga sangat mudah dalam medapatkan sebuah gambar yang telah diperbesar namun tetap dalam kualitas yang bagus.
Lihat dibawah ini feature - feature yang dimiliki oleh software Reside Image Enlarger v1.51 :
Main Features :
* Edge Control - Have the best control over the clarity of the edges. Remove blur and highlight curves. * Smooth Defects - Remove image defects easier, directly from Reshade. * Texture - Extract even the finest details from your images. Contrast and enhance image features. * Accuracy - Go from smooth edges to perfect estimations of the original image lines. * Edge Threshold - Make selective edge transformations. * Best Quality Setting - Get even better quality color reproduction with a little more processing time.
Key Features :
* Get crisp, clear edges at almost any zoom level * Remove blur and refocus image edges * Contrast and enhance image features * Easily remove photo defects * Go from smooth to precise contours * Make selective edge transformations * Extract even the finest details from your photos * Get best color estimation with a little more processing time * Choose between speed or better edge quality * Enlarge images over 20x maintaining contour definition
Petunjuk Install :
Ekstrak file ini setelah anda download software ini
Jalankan dan lakukan proses installasi pada file : reshade-install.exe
Setelah selesai melakukan proses installasi jangan menalankan program ini dulu. Tapi buka terlebih dahulu file keygen yang terdapat pada file : Reshade Image Enlarger v1.51_Patch.exe dalam folder RES
Pada keygen yang kita jalankan, pilih pada menu : Crack It, seperti pada gambar dibawah ini
Lalu pilih pada reshade.exe yang telah kita install yang terdapat pada C:\Program Files\Reshade. Seperti pada gambar dibawah ini
Ketika diminta mengisikan sebuah username, isikan : www.d60pc.com : Lalu OK
Finish. Sekarang softwares ini sudah dapat anda gunakan secara full version.
Lakukan petunjuk installnya seperti cara yang telah saya uraikan diatas. Karena software ini jika dari situs resminya dihargai $75. Untuk download softwares ini sudah saya sediakan link dibawah ini :
101 Languages of the World (Complete 4CDs) | 1124 MB | RS | UL Whether you want to learn a foreign language for travel, school, business or for your own personal enjoyment, here is the quickest, easiest, and most fun way possible. Languages Of The World teaches language Survival Phrases which introduce you to concepts of meeting and greeting, exchanging money, navigating travel situations and much more. Right from the start learners of any level—even complete beginners—can start using a foreign language with this unique learning system.
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Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus (KAV) provides all types of anti-virus protection: anti-virus scan-ners, monitors, behavior blockers and integrity checkers. It supports all of the most popular operating systems, e-mail gateways and firewalls. KAV controls all possible virus entry points. Kaspersky Lab’s powerful and flexible local and network management tools for auto-mation and centralized installation and control over anti-virus protection provide maximum convenience and minimum time wasted when building your own structure of an anti-virus defense.
Portable MindSoft Utilities 2008 for Windows XP (02.2008)
Maintaining the optimum efficiency of your PC is not just our priority, but should be yours also. Mindsoft Utilities 2008 is designed entirely for that very same purpose. With 19 high performance utilities, MindSoft provides Windows XP users the unique opportunity to pinpoint problems plaguing their computers and take remedial measures by themselves. With this unique experience, Mindsoft Utilities XP provides help every step of the way. Mindsoft Utilities can be used by computer professionals as well as amateurs that have limited knowledge of these types of tools. The interface allows for easy navigation and high efficiency
Optimization tools Defrag your disks and RAM, speed up Internet. Search and solve problems.
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Useful utilities Control your Windows start up. Deeply check your hardware. Schedule your PC shutdown.
Multilanguage Get MindSoft Utilities 2008 in English, French, Spanish and German
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Transform your real-world photo into an animated nature scene by adding a wide array of water, weather and sound effects to your own photos and images! Nature Illusion Studio lets you transform your digital photos into live and save it as screensavers, executables, AVI, or animated GIF. You can add water effects such as waterfall, lake, sea; animated objects such as birds, fishes; and weather effects such as snow or rain to your photos in less than 5 minutes.
XP Repair Pro will scan and repair over 53,000 common Windows Errors. Our unique and one of a kind technology repairs over 53,000 Windows errors and is guaranteed to fix problems on your system.
Using hi-tech and effective functions your system performance will be improved in a dramatic way. Windows and your software will run faster and your system will be more stable.
XP Repair Pro is the Most Comprehensive System Repair Tool on the Market. An advanced Registry Cleaner finds and repairs system errors and incorrect Pass : smforum.netinformation in the windows registry. An optimizer removes obsolete and duplicate entries that Windows and other programs leave behind. It will fix random PC crashes, error messages and will improve system performance by up to 750 percent. After the system scan is completed you can view a complete list of errors that were detected and choose to remove which ones you would like or just let the Intelligence System determine which should be removed. The Intelligence System not only detects errors, but also analyzes each error against the software installed on your computer to determine how that error may affect other software.
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An excellent set of portable programs and utilities.
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* Divides hard drive into two or more partitions * Runs multiple operating systems on the same PC * BootMagic™ makes it easy to switch between operating systems * Copy, move, resize, split, or merge partitions * Guides you through the partitioning process * Easy to find, copy and paste files in both Windows® and Linux® partitions * Create and modify partitions up to 300GB* * Supports USB 2.0, USB 1.1, and FireWire® external drives** * Supports and converts partitions among FAT, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2, and Ext3 file systems * Enlarge an NTFS partition without restarting computer * Resizes NTFS system clusters to the most effective size
Can't play bass, drums, piano, or violin? No problem! Just point and click and you are making music. It's that easy!
Introducing Cakewalk Studio Instruments, the world's first easy-to-use and affordable software instrument collection for Mac and PC. Cakewalk Studio Instruments includes a high quality Drum Kit, Bass Guitar, Electric Piano, and String Section that can be played stand alone or inside your favorite music-making software such as Cakewalk Music Creator, Apple GarageBand, Magix Music Maker Deluxe, SONY ACID Music Studio, and more (see list below for complete list of compatible products).
Cakewalk Studio Instruments include pre-recorded patterns played by ace session musicians so you can build sections for your songs, practice, or just have fun jamming along.
And Studio Instruments sound great because they're from Cakewalk, makers of the most popular music creation software in the world, used daily by Grammy® winning musicians and producers. Start making music today with Cakewalk Studio Instruments!
AbsoluteShield Internet Eraser protects your privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of your Internet and computer activities. The tool is integrated with IE and it can erase the browser cache, history, cookies, typed URLs, autocomplete list and so on in one click. You can also set the tool to automatically erase those tracks when you quit IE or quit Windows.
The tool is also featured to erase the disk free space and has the open plugin support. With the plugin support, AbsoluteShield Internet Eraser now supports to erase the tracks left by any applications. We currently offer more than 30 plugins which supports the most popular programs such as MS Office, WinZip, UltraEdit, RealPlayer, Media Player…
Remove the tracks of your activities completely Remove IE visit history Remove IE cookies Remove IE cache files Remove the typed URLs in IE Remove the form AutoComplete list in IE Remove the saved user name and password by IE - Unique feature, not available in other tools Remove the index.dat used by IE Remove the Windows start menu — run drop list Remove the files in Windows temp folder Remove the Windows recent documents list Remove the files in Window recycle bin Remove my network places (network neighborhood) cache Remove the favorite items Remove Windows explorer find files list Remove Windows explorer find computer list Remove Windows paging file (swap file) - NEW Remove the left information in free disk space on your hard disk - NEW Remove the tracks left by other applications with the plugin support
Blaze Video Magic is a powerful but easy to use utility for multimedia file conversion. expanding your multimedia entertainment, Blaze Video Magic realizes you to freely access and enjoy video, music, photo on PC, MP3 player, portable MPEG4 device, PS game player or 3G smart phone. Possessing Blaze Video Magic, you will have a wonderful and extensive digital entertainment life.
? Convert Video: You can convert *.RM, *.RMVB, *.AVI, *.WMV, *.ASF, *.MPG, *.MPEG, *.MPE, *.M1V, *.MPV2, *.MP4, *.DAT, *.MOV, *.VOB, *FLV file as AVI-MPEG4, ASF-MPEG4, MP4-MPEG4 (for iPod), PSP-MPEG4, 3GP-MPEG4, AVI-DIVX, AVI-XVID, MOV-MPEG4 file, fit the file on your PMP 120 device, you can also split a large file into smaller video clips to fit your device memory. ? Convert Music: You can convert all files with audio to MP3 format. You can directly convert audio file, or extract sound from video and save as MP3 format, the supported source file includes: *.RM, *.RMVB, *.AVI, *.WMV, *.WMA, *.ASF, *.MPG, *.MPEG, *.MPE, *.M1V, *.MPV2, *.MPA, *.MP2, *.MP3, *.MP4, *.DAT, *.MOV, *.VOB, *.WAV, etc. ? Convert Photo: You can convert pictures such as *.BMP, *.JPG, *.JPEG, *.GIF, *.TIF, *.TIFF, *.PNG to JPEG format.
- Support multiple video file conversion, including *.RM, *.RMVB, *.AVI, *.WMV, *.ASF, *.MPG, *.MPEG, *.MPE, *M1V, *MPV2, *.MP4, *.DAT, *.MOV, *.VOB - Convert video file as AVI-MPEG4, ASF-MPEG4, MP4-MPEG4, PSP-MPEG4, 3GP-MPEG4, AVI-DIVX - Split a large video file into smaller video clips to fit your device memory - Support all audio file conversion - Convert audio file as different MP3 format - Extract sound tracks from video and save as different MP3 format - Support *.BMP, *.JPG, *.GIF, *.TIF, *.PNG image file conversion - Convert picture as JPEG format - Playback added video/music file directly - Preview added picture in mini window - Real-time display the whole conversion process with detailed info - Freely setup the properties of output video - Output multiple MP3 format - Support batch conversion at the same time - Support batch setting of output file format - Freely specify output path - Quickly open output folder and access converted file - User-friendly interface with easy and straight operation steps - Compliant with most popular digital portable devices on the market, such as MP3 player, portable MPEG4 device, PS game player or 3G smart phone
Trojan Remover aids in the removal of Malware - Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware - when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them or fails to effectively eliminate them. Standard antivirus programs are good at detecting this Malware, but not always so good at effectively removing it. Trojan Remover is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by standard antivirus and trojan scanners
Trojan Remover scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware. Trojan Remover also checks to see if Windows loads Services which are hidden by Rootkit techniques and warns you if it finds any. For each identified Trojan Horse, Worm, or other malware, Trojan Remover pops up an alert screen which shows the file location and name; it offers to remove the program's reference from the system files and allows you to rename the file to stop its activation.
Most modern Malware programs are memory-resident, which makes their de-activation more difficult. How many times have you been told to start your computer in 'Safe' mode, or even worse, in DOS? Trojan Remover does all this for you. When it finds Malware that is memory-resident, Trojan Remover automatically re-starts (on request) your system and completely DISABLES the Malware before Windows restarts. Trojan Remover writes a detailed logfile every time it performs a scan. This logfile contains information on which programs load at boot-time, and what (if any) actions Trojan Remover carried out. The logfile can be viewed and printed using Notepad. Trojan Remover is set to automatically scan for Malware every time you start your PC (you can disable this automatic scan if you wish).
Trojan Remover is designed to work on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista. The program is not, at present, compatible with any 64bit version of Windows.
Bring Your Pictures to Life! Morph, Warp & Mix Your Photos! The all-in-one animation suite includes: Morpheus Photo Morpher v3.00, Morpheus Photo Warper v3.00, Morpheus Photo Mixer v3.00, All 15 sample morphs, warps, and mixes…
Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.10 Standard Features Include: * Easy to use wizard to help you get started, plus all program’s samples to play with * Morphing an infinite number of pictures from one to another * An Upload Wizard to send your animations directly to Morpheus Galleries, YouTube, or Photobucket * Sharing animations with friends and family seamlessly with the built-in email feature * A completely redesigned program with an incredible new interface for working on multiple pictures * A lighting-fast rendering engine for previewing morphs by playing them right inside the program * Picture dotting process with changeable colors, shapes, and sizes for creating top quality morphs * Rendering morphs in a variety of popular formats including Flash SWF and Animated GIF * Exporting morph frames in still formats such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and more * Generating sample web page html for each rendered file * Saving your layouts as you work, in a portable XML format * Zooming to any level for precision dot placement as well as morphing of large images * A timeline window to quickly see a thumbnail of every frame in your morph
Additional Features of Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.10 Professional Include: * Line tools to connect dots and better adjust triangle setup * Transparency support for morphing including full alpha channel support * Key frames to define paths for morph dots to travel in order to create more advanced morphs * Interpolating dots positions on key frames * AVI output for use with 3rd party movie software, including DivX and DV AVIs * The ability to mix pictures in some places and not in others * Fade button to control which source picture to use or mix for each dot * Customizable interface including toolbars and window tabs * Skinnable windows with a variety of skins to choose from
TuneUp Utilities 2008 [ portable] TuneUp Utilities 2008 optimizes the performance of your computer, solves problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your needs. NEW FEATURES: * Configures Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2, Windows Media Player 11 and Office 2008 * Automatically eliminates errors in the file system * Allows for simple clean-up of your disk drives * Deletes sensitive data using the secure DoD 5220.22-M and Gutmann methods IMPROVED: * Gives you intelligent tips to optimize your hardware and software * Speeds up your system startup Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/79292860/dm.rar
Paragon Partition Manager Professional Edition enables IT Professionals to create, format, resize, merge, undelete, move, copy, defragment and convert safely and quickly partitions for storing valuable company information, data files, applications, and operating systems. Partition Manager Professional Edition is fast, easy to use and very flexible. The new Partition Explorer allows to move files from one partition to another regardless of partition type improving thus data management in multiple file system configurations like Linux and Windows.
Includes BootManager to automatically install and run multiple operating systems, wizards to ease redistribute free space, merge or undelete partitions, and a recovery CD. A powerful script generator helps to create and run scripts to automate common partitioning task. To maximize system performance Partition Manager Professional Edition provides furthermore a powerful defragment utility and the ability to dynamically adjust cluster sizes significantly increasing system speed. With Paragon Partition Manager Professional Edition, IT Professionals are able to get optimum performance from workstations, automate system management, save time, and last but not least reduce maintenance costs of their IT systems.
With this comprehensive graphics suite, you can confidently tackle a wide variety of projects - from logo creation and Web graphics, to multi-page marketing brochures, or eye-catching signs.
From new bitmap-to-vector tracing in Corel PowerTRACE, new photo-editing features in PHOTO-PAINT, new suite-wide learning tools, and enhancements in illustration and page layout, this suite combines design capabilities, ease-of-use, and affordability that cannot be matched by any other graphics software.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Portable Edition - Only 56.7Mb. No Installation Required. You can run it from a USB drive. Create powerful images with the professional standard. The essential software for perfecting your images, Adobe® Photoshop® CS3 now offers productivity and workflow enhancements, powerful new editing tools, and breakthrough compositing capabilities.
Portable Google Earth Plus 4.3.7284.3916 (Multilanguage)
Hotlinked images are not allowed. Please reupload your image(s) to a free image host such as tinypic. Hotlinked image(s) removed -BrownUP
Google Earth gives you a wealth of imagery and geographic information. Explore destinations like Maui and Paris, or browse content from Wikipedia, National Geographic, and more.
* Fly to your house. Just type in an address, press Search, and you'll zoom right in. * Search for schools, parks, restaurants, and hotels. Get driving directions. * Tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings. * Save and share your searches and favorites.
Version 4.3.7284.3916:
* Fixed various crashes * Earth should accept Ctrl+Shft+arrow up/down now mapped to zoom * Show correct message after deactivating GE * Plus/Pro/EC client stops streaming data after 90 min * EC and Pro client should share same activation key. * Drag-and-drop place into whitespace causes crash * Named colors aren't rendered in balloons * Intel 915 does not display Overview Map * Some of the layers show empty space below the layer name * Long URLs in internal browser break clients max width * Web window expands to be way too wide and can't be resized * Fail on GPX read if contains anything that should be
Rapid Hacker can hack / crack / bypass waiting limit at Rapidshare.com and Rapidshare.de
It's a Program to use within conjunction of sites like, http://www.rapidshare.com Rapid Hacker can hack / crack / bypass waiting limit at Rapidshare.com and Rapidshare.de Just copy-paste the Rapidshare link and get unlimited downloads.
INSTRUCTIONS: - paste the rapidshare link - click ”Go” - Click the ”FREE” button on the Rapidshare’s page Just copy/paste rapidshare site and get unlimited downloads. After you paste the rapidshare link, click ”Go” Click on the Rapidshare page, press tab 14 times hit enter if you can’t scroll to the free button